


In this page you can see some of my personal projects I've done for fun and educational purposes.

Table of Contents


This project bridges p5.js with google's blockly. This enables an aspiring programmer to become familiar with p5.js through a visual block based programming environment.

2022EcmaScript 6 (JS)HTML 5

Super Binary Man

Super Binary Man was my HTML5 study project while I was studying for my W3C Front End Developer Certification. It's an HTML 5 Game written in EcmaScript 6 using the standard canvas element. Programmatically it features an object oriented design, canvas graphics, a custom made game engine and basic gameplay mechanics.

To play it, open it on a pc, use the arrow or wasd keys to move, and space to Jump. Avoid hitting the red computer-controlled enemies. The goal is to reach the number displayed at the top and match the sum above it with it, by hitting the yellow boxes from below in an order that accumulates to the goal. This actually creates a binary number sequence that corresponds to sequence, where active boxes corresponds to binary 1s, and unactivated boxes correspond to 0s.

2019EcmaScript 6 (JS)HTML 5

Inherited Behaviours - Processing Py

Inherited Behaviours - Processing Py is a project born out of following the book "The Nature of Code" by Daniel Shiffman. It is an implementation of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) inside a physics simulation. The different characters on screen can be selectively bred by holding the left mouse button and then generating a new generation of offspring with the right mouse button. A crossover genetic function is applied to transfer genetic material between the selected characters and a new population is created. The user can experiment with different characters and see how their looks and movement characteristics are changed.

2018PythonProcessing 3

Cellular Automata for Cave Generation

This project is a fun implementation of a cellular automata algorithm as popularized by the famous "Game of Life" program. It shows how cellular automata can be used to generate cave like structures. Very popular in video game design.