Welcome to netanel-m

I am a DevOps engineer and a Linux Professional.
I also have some knowledge in frontend and backend development.

This is my blog, where I post tutorials and updates about my personal projects.

Kubernetes - kubectl cheatsheet

Kubernetes is a system that can at times be a bit threatening. It is truly a vast and agile service, and maintaining it can feel a bit off-putting at times. In this article, I'm going to write down some of the most common commands I…

Introduction to basic Linux permissions

Linux permissions are often very confusing to new users coming from Windows to Linux for the first time. Casual Linux users that have been using it for years may even misunderstand this topic and so I thought it would handy to write a small guide…

Lighttpd Quickstart

Lighttpd is a tiny web server that's suitable to use on embedded systems and other setups where you want an extremely lightweight and speedy web server. This will server as a short introduction to Lighttpd. We'll start by installing the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux…

Docker-Compose Introduction

So today we'll take a look at dipping our toes into docker-compose. docker-compose is a tool for defining, running, and managing multiple containers at once. It's very useful for development environments and home servers, where you want many services running in parallel on one machine.

Docker - Common Commands

This tutorial will introduce you to the very basic Docker / Podman commands. You should memorize these, as you'll use them often. To download an image to your computer, use the following command as an example for how to pull an nginx image: docker pull…

Docker Introduction

In this post I'm going to give you an introduction for using Docker. But first, let's talk about the underlying technology. A container is a type of virtualization tool but unlike a Virtual Machine, a container shares its Kernel with its host, and allows access…